Our partners and projects

Our philosophy is based on the idea of ​​innovation. We work tirelessly to provide useful solutions that are consistent with the strategic priorities of our clients.
That is the key that differentiates Diligent Software's portfolio of services: our relentless motivation to create value for companies that rely on digital solutions.

Gold Bullion International is a leading institutional precious metals provider to individual investors and the wealth management industry. The GBI Platform is integrated into the world’s top wealth managers, custodians, banks and e-commerce companies in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. It allows underlying clients to buy, sell, and store precious metals and digital currencies within their existing accounts and trading systems.

Gold Bullion International

New York | NY | USA | bullioninternational.com


GBI needed a team that could develop and maintain multiple high-quality trading platforms and supporting services, integrating them into the GBI core trading system, offering high performance, security, scalability while handling the complexity of the requirements of GBI's international partners. Diligent was tasked with providing business analysis, project discovery, management, software design and implementation for various projects, working on a tight schedule, often in a rapidly changing project environment, honoring high demand for quality in the sensitive area of the financial industry.


Diligent helped in creation of new, and modification of previously existing platforms, supporting GBI through the full software development lifecycle. The efforts included, in addition to new trading platforms creation and their integration into GBI's core system, creation of myriad supporting services, providing messaging, identity verification, user registration, FIX protocol integration...support. All of the platforms improved operations automation, integration with financial institutions, and customer experience.

Technologies and Team

20+ engineers c# .Net Framework Win Forms .Net WebService WebAPI JavaScritp QuickFix MS SQL Server

‘’Diligent is a highly valuable resource in GBI's arsenal. Reliable, versatile and skilled. They are a true representation of their company name - following through the entire process of any task we challenged them with, meeting, and exceeding, expectations regardless of the project environment.’’

Peter Custer,

CTO @ Gold Bullion International

Profit Optics

Located in Richmond, VA, ProfitOptics is an IT consulting company and IIOT firm dedicated to creating a business that does the right thing. They are focused on helping customers and their staff grow. The ProfitOptics team has developed over 50 custom software tools, websites, and mobile apps, allowing decision makers to be more efficient and effective.

Profit Optics

Richmond | VA | USA | profitoptics.com


ProfitOptics were in high demand of a professional team which would be able to maintain, upgrade and build new solutions for existing and new business partners, as well as build in-house core solutions. Profit Optics needed independent partner which can provide business analysis, project managers, designers, as well as developers for the ever-growing client demand.


Business Intelligence portal which enhouses series of web applications & reporting tools used for in-depth analysis on product pricing, money flow, resources, employees, etc. Specialized applications provide administrative users overview, as well as detail look scaled down to individual product, sales representative, or individual sale point, pulled from the huge amount of data processed on a daily basis.

Technologies and Team

10+ engineers c# asp .Net MVC Framework javascript ms iis ms sql server


Company with the goal to create value to end users and provide competitive advantage to its clients and partners. Badin strategically invests the time and resources in following and implementing leading technological trends into everyday work.


Niš | Serbia | badinsoft.com


Badin needed professional support to help its domestic and international clients to articulate their requirements, setup projects and lead implementation in technology stack that is not their's primary tech stack


We helped in organizing teams to fulfill all clients needs from setting up agile team, project solution, development, team organization on both backend and frontend to delivery of full documented working solution for satisfied customers.

Technologies and Team

5+ engineers c# .Net MVC Framework .Net Core Net WCF ms iis ms sql server

‘’Diligent guys are my old and reliable partners. We've been working together for more than a decade. Highly skilled professionals for any assigned job. Do not hesitate if you need support, Diligent brings additional value. They are not only tech team, they'll be partners to your business as they were for our's!’’
Co-Founder, CEO

Božidar Ignjatović,

CEO @ Badin

Niš Ekspres

Nis-Ekspres is one of the biggest transportation companies on Western Balkans. It is a complete unit in which the main activity - passenger transport, is successfully supplemented by servicing and maintenance of own vehicles. The production of buses started in 1996. In the meantime, the types of buses intended for all types of passenger transport (for city, suburban and local transport) have left the hall of the Nis carrier.

Nis Ekspres

Niš | Serbia | nis-ekspres.rs


The company was looking for a partner to help offer its customers solutions on new platforms, primarily web and mobile. In parallel with the development of new modules, it was necessary to overcome the challenges of upgrading the existing information system


We created Ticketing system which includes desktop application for ticket sales working on a substantial number of remote sale points, android application for ticket validation in buses and web application for online ticket sales. Diligent provided additional solutions incorporated in company's informational system such as the bus gate control application and the application for processing bus plate numbers from IP cameras.

Technologies and Team

5+ engineers c# .Net Framework Win Forms .Net WebService WebAPI Angular-js Angular 4 MS SQL Server Java

‘’Our industry is very sensitive, which requires that the Information System must be reliable and flexible. Diligent helped us to build and integrate several parts of the existing Information System with multiple integrations points and enabled field work. As the leader in the industry and in the days of modern technologies, Nis-Ekspres always wants to be ahead of the competition. Guys provided just that and built our first mobile app for online ticket sale and more. In the work process, they come forward with comments and questions that eventually bring additional value to the product. Be assured that you can always count on the highest performanse from Diligent, "around-the-clock" support and have partner to your business.’’
Head of IT department

Adis Terzić,

Head of IT department @ Nis-Ekspres

Soft Road Apps

Soft Road Apps is the first Japanese IT company in Serbia, located in the very center of the capital city of Belgrade. Soft Road Apps is a subsidiary of SRA holdings, Inc. The head office, Software Research Associates, Inc. is based in Tokyo. In Soft Road Apps, we are trying not only to expand and develop the business that SRA group has developed so far, but also to develop new systems and applications.


Belgrade | Serbia | softroadapps.com


Years ago, AWA has developed a warehousing system, based and distributed on series of desktop machines. System, being hosted on obsolete Windows server versions, required OS, upgrade. While OS upgrade was performed with ease, it was only a tip of an ice berg. Code base, developed using VisualBasic 6, and database, developed in SQL Server 2000, had numerous points in breakdown, caused by significant standard, and library mismatch.


Solution included analysis and strategic replacement of code components not configurable with latest Windows Server component (MSCom, ActiveReport, Spread, VB6 code specifics, SQLServer 2000 syntax specifics, code issues derived from structural changes). Primary problem resolution was followed by an adequate asset backup, storage and deployment, succeeded in 100% functionality restoration. This included entire existing software and hardware base (PCs, automatic & manual scanners, printers & other peripherals)

Technologies and Team

5+ engineers c# .Net Framework Win Forms .Net WebService WebAPI Angular-js Angular 4 MS SQL Server Java

‘’Highly performed on at most difficult tasks, while providing a perfect amount of information with no delays. They also pick the appropriate communication method for the topic to discuss, leading to prompt problem-solving.’’
Senior Principal

Željko Vulović,

Senior Principal @ SRA

Mould Group China

MGC is Dutch owned company with over 350 employees in 4 production facilities while their core competences are Rapid Prototyping, Mould making, Injection Moulding and Contract Manufacturing. WIth state of the art IT systems and production machines, their primary focus is to meet specific requirements and exceed end user expectations.

Mould Group China

Guangzhou | China | mgc.tm


Existing system was being designed without a solid growth plan and good programming practice, after a while, simple tasks and maintenance required significant resources. Business needs required widening to mobile devices.


With keeping existing system operating at full capacity in mind, an upgrade was made which provided a clean and optimized software, paving a way of future features made with ease. Implemented centralized API system, with multiple client apps (Android, IOS, Windows, Web)

Technologies and Team

5+ engineers c# .Net Framework Win Forms .Net WebService WebAPI Angular-js Angular 4 MS SQL Server Java

‘’They did a very good job, and more. Work independently and give good ideas how to build it. Excellent analysis of what was wrong with our existing database.’’

Cornelius Bakker,

Director @ Mould Group China

Stanković & Partners Law office

Stankovic & Partners Law Office has the qualifications and skills needed to provide high-quality legal services, research & analysis, drafting, and negotiation. Whatever your question may be, they will provide you with an answer.Their personal approach means that they will go out of the way to find a solution that fits your needs.Protecting your interests, the interests of their clients, is their priority.


Niš | Serbia | nebojsa.com


Need for an ERP that would house all data and events daily encountered in law practice business. Software required functionalities such as reporting, resource access on a timely period, data analytic and user management.


Implemented a resource-optimized multilingual web application, that united requirements and provided single point for creating and viewing entities such as: contacts, clients, hearings, cases, court staff, all viewed from customizable time periods in a form of a calendar (table) and/or list view.

Technologies and Team

10+ engineers .Net Framework .Net Core React JS React Native MS SQL Server
