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  71. <h1>End-to-end provider of fintech development services</h1>
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  76. We help fintech startups and financial institutions to manage risk and stay ahead of the curve by developing financial software solutions and integrating them with third-party systems while ensuring stable operation of financial systems.
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  94. <h3>Fintech Integration Process</h3>
  95. <p>
  96. Whether it’s a payment system, online finance platform, or accounting - we make integrations with third-party services and provide you with secure software.
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  105. <h3>Protect assets against fraud</h3>
  106. <p>
  107. We can identify fraudulent activities through monitoring and threats analysis. Use the strengths of data mining and machine learning to detect and prevent deception.
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  116. <h3>Reinvented consumer banking</h3>
  117. <p>
  118. Enhance your service with innovative financial software to get a competitive edge and win customers' trust. We offer business and operational support to identify and eliminate bottlenecks at all system levels.
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  127. <h3>Financial risk management</h3>
  128. <p>
  129. Our custom fintech solutions help to aggregate and process real-time market data, manage investment portfolios, and calculate operational risks.
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  138. <h3>Payment processing</h3>
  139. <p>
  140. We provide unprecedented ease of payments and billing by means of cardless and contactless payments, e-wallets, and QR codes. As an experienced fintech software services provider, we create easy-to-use payment experience as well as speed up the money transfer.
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  149. <h3>Robust data security and privacy</h3>
  150. <p>
  151. With extensive expertise in developing fintech solutions, Diligent is well-versed in protecting compliance with sensitive data security requirements. In addition to the stable operation, we keep data secure and protected.
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