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  70. <h1>Custom API development and integration services</h1>
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  75. At Diligent, we deliver web API development services, enabling smooth integration with your existing apps. According to your specific requirements, we will help you to streamline business processes, while leveraging reliable, robust, and secure development approaches.
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  91. <h3>Custom API development</h3>
  92. <p>
  93. Diligent develops robust and highly available APIs for traffic-intensive desktop, mobile, and cloud applications, as well as WebSocket, firmware / middleware, browsers, databases, and operating systems. We successfully build robust and secure APIs for any industry to meet your specific requirements..
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  102. <h3>API integration services</h3>
  103. <p>
  104. Third-party API integration allows both startups and large companies to save costs on research and development, while adding necessary features to their solutions. Connecting software systems and applications eliminates duplication of effort and enhances user experience, directly increasing productivity. Our experts use REST, XML-RPC, JSON, SOAP, and other communication methods to make sure your APIs interact with each other in the most efficient way mining and machine learning to detect and prevent deception.
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  113. <h3>API as a service (APIaaS)</h3>
  114. <p>
  115. With our assistance, you can build an API-first business by developing an API-as-a-service (APIaaS) platform. Our web and protocol development approach includes the use of HTTP/HTTPS, XML, XHTML, JSON, Java, SOAP, EDI, AJAX, TCP/IP, and/or REST API development services.
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  124. <h3>API adoption</h3>
  125. <p>
  126. We help to quickly onboard your developers by providing necessary materials demonstrating the features of the solution.Our team designs user-friendly API documentation, developer portals, code samples for every API endpoint across multiple programming languages, auto-populated sandbox API keys, and other elements that make it easier for developers to adopt and use an API.
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