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_variables.scss 1.4KB

  1. $base-font-size: 16px;
  2. $base-font-size-md: 14px;
  3. $font-family: 'Avenir Next';
  4. // Colors
  5. $color-primary: #024f86;
  6. $color-primary-light: #024f86;
  7. $color-primary-dark: #003246;
  8. $yellow: #ffeac1;
  9. $white: #ffffff;
  10. $grey: #f4f4f4;
  11. $grey-1: #ccced0;
  12. $grey-2: #fafafa;
  13. $grey-3: #c2c5c6;
  14. $grey-4: #d8d8d8;
  15. $grey-5: #808285;
  16. $grey-6: #c9d6db;
  17. $grey-7: rgba(128, 130, 133, 0.5);
  18. $grey-8: rgba(201, 214, 219, 0.25);
  19. $grey-9: #ebeff2;
  20. $grey-10: #f0f5f6;
  21. $grey-11: #8b8b8b;
  22. $grey-12: #b0bfc540;
  23. $grey-13: #9d9ea4;
  24. $grey-14: #f7fafa;
  25. $grey-15: #ebf2f2;
  26. $dark-blue: #003246;
  27. $blue: #4e7a8c;
  28. $blue-1: #6e8fae;
  29. $blue-2: #024f86;
  30. $blue-3: #0f85ec;
  31. $blue-4: #5c7e9f;
  32. $blue-5: #dde5e7;
  33. $black: #000;
  34. $black-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  35. $black-2: rgba(32, 38, 43, 0.9);
  36. $black-4: #172029;
  37. $black-5: #272727;
  38. $black-6: #1d2731;
  39. $red: #ff5028;
  40. $success: #09846b;
  41. $success-1: #00876a;
  42. $success-2: #008a68;
  43. // Shadow
  44. $button-shadow-hover: 0 5px 6px 0 rgba(112, 120, 135, 0.24);
  45. $button-shadow-pressed: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(112, 120, 135, 0.24);
  46. $box-shadow: 0 3px 8px 0 rgba(112, 120, 135, 0.24);
  47. $account-dropdown-shadow: 0 6px 38px 0 rgba(112, 120, 135, 0.56);
  48. // Border Radius
  49. $border-radius: 4px;
  50. $border-radius-md: 8px;
  51. // Breakpoints
  52. $bp-xxs: 325px;
  53. $bp-xs: 400px;
  54. $bp-sm: 576px;
  55. $bp-md: 768px;
  56. $bp-lg: 992px;
  57. $bp-xl: 1200px;
  58. $bp-xxl: 1350px;
  59. // z-index
  60. $index-xxs: 1;
  61. $index-xs: 2;
  62. $index-sm: 3;
  63. $index-md: 4;
  64. $index-lg: 5;
  65. $index-xl: 6;
  66. $index-xxl: 7;