Next.js template
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

Introduction.stories.mdx 5.3KB

  1. import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
  2. import Code from './assets/code-brackets.svg';
  3. import Colors from './assets/colors.svg';
  4. import Comments from './assets/comments.svg';
  5. import Direction from './assets/direction.svg';
  6. import Flow from './assets/flow.svg';
  7. import Plugin from './assets/plugin.svg';
  8. import Repo from './assets/repo.svg';
  9. import StackAlt from './assets/stackalt.svg';
  10. <Meta title="Example/Introduction" />
  11. <style>
  12. {`
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  63. .link-item strong {
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  100. `}
  101. </style>
  102. # Welcome to Storybook
  103. Storybook helps you build UI components in isolation from your app's business logic, data, and context.
  104. That makes it easy to develop hard-to-reach states. Save these UI states as **stories** to revisit during development, testing, or QA.
  105. Browse example stories now by navigating to them in the sidebar.
  106. View their code in the `stories` directory to learn how they work.
  107. We recommend building UIs with a [**component-driven**]( process starting with atomic components and ending with pages.
  108. <div className="subheading">Configure</div>
  109. <div className="link-list">
  110. <a
  111. className="link-item"
  112. href=""
  113. target="_blank"
  114. >
  115. <img src={Plugin} alt="plugin" />
  116. <span>
  117. <strong>Presets for popular tools</strong>
  118. Easy setup for TypeScript, SCSS and more.
  119. </span>
  120. </a>
  121. <a
  122. className="link-item"
  123. href=""
  124. target="_blank"
  125. >
  126. <img src={StackAlt} alt="Build" />
  127. <span>
  128. <strong>Build configuration</strong>
  129. How to customize webpack and Babel
  130. </span>
  131. </a>
  132. <a
  133. className="link-item"
  134. href=""
  135. target="_blank"
  136. >
  137. <img src={Colors} alt="colors" />
  138. <span>
  139. <strong>Styling</strong>
  140. How to load and configure CSS libraries
  141. </span>
  142. </a>
  143. <a
  144. className="link-item"
  145. href=""
  146. target="_blank"
  147. >
  148. <img src={Flow} alt="flow" />
  149. <span>
  150. <strong>Data</strong>
  151. Providers and mocking for data libraries
  152. </span>
  153. </a>
  154. </div>
  155. <div className="subheading">Learn</div>
  156. <div className="link-list">
  157. <a className="link-item" href="" target="_blank">
  158. <img src={Repo} alt="repo" />
  159. <span>
  160. <strong>Storybook documentation</strong>
  161. Configure, customize, and extend
  162. </span>
  163. </a>
  164. <a className="link-item" href="" target="_blank">
  165. <img src={Direction} alt="direction" />
  166. <span>
  167. <strong>In-depth guides</strong>
  168. Best practices from leading teams
  169. </span>
  170. </a>
  171. <a className="link-item" href="" target="_blank">
  172. <img src={Code} alt="code" />
  173. <span>
  174. <strong>GitHub project</strong>
  175. View the source and add issues
  176. </span>
  177. </a>
  178. <a className="link-item" href="" target="_blank">
  179. <img src={Comments} alt="comments" />
  180. <span>
  181. <strong>Discord chat</strong>
  182. Chat with maintainers and the community
  183. </span>
  184. </a>
  185. </div>
  186. <div className="tip-wrapper">
  187. <span className="tip">Tip</span>Edit the Markdown in{' '}
  188. <code>stories/Introduction.stories.mdx</code>
  189. </div>