Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.

  1. "CareerGame"
  2. {
  3. "InitialPoints" "2"
  4. "MatchWins" "3"
  5. "MatchWinBy" "2"
  6. "Characters" "Cooper Floyd Kenny Morris Stanley Vern Quincy Gus Ben Eddie Kent Oscar Phil Leon Pete Roger Maverick Cole Igor Larry Ray Sam Travis Kirk Alex Brent Jake Tex Lou Ace Rooster Eagle Sandman Barney Steel Duke Bear"
  7. // CostAvailability: for each bot point cost, specify the number of reputation points needed to hire him.
  8. // If a value is not present or 0, that cost and higher are assumed to be always available.
  9. "CostAvailability"
  10. {
  11. "1" "1"
  12. "2" "6"
  13. "3" "10"
  14. "4" "15"
  15. "5" "99"
  16. }
  17. "Maps"
  18. {
  19. // Maps are in triplets
  20. // 'minEnemies' defines the minimum number of enemies of the map (from the 'bots' entry, left to right)
  21. // 'threshold' defines the Reputation Point value above which one enemy is added for every additional RP until we run out of bots on the 'bots' line
  22. // A note on tasks:
  23. //
  24. // tasks are one of the following:
  25. // kill <N> [survive | inarow]
  26. // killwith <N> <weapon> [survive | inarow]
  27. // killblind <N> [survive | inarow]
  28. // winfast <S> [survive | inarow]
  29. // headshot <N> [survive | inarow]
  30. // headshotwith <N> <weapon> [survive | inarow]
  31. // killall
  32. // rescue <N> [survive | inarow]
  33. // rescueall
  34. // injure <N> [survive | inarow]
  35. // injurewith <N> <weapon> [survive | inarow]
  36. //
  37. // tasks can contain a numeric value (# of kills, # of seconds, etc)
  38. // tasks can contain a weapon name or weapon classname (for the killwith and headshotwith tasks)
  39. // you can add "survive" so the player must survive to the end of the round to complete the task
  40. // you can add "inarow" so the player must complete the task N times without dying (across round boundaries)
  41. // group words of a task with '. I.e. 'kill 3'
  42. //
  43. // Weapon names/classes are:
  44. // scout
  45. // xm1014
  46. // mac10
  47. // aug
  48. // ump45
  49. // sg550
  50. // galil
  51. // famas
  52. // awp
  53. // mp5
  54. // m249
  55. // m3
  56. // m4a1
  57. // tmp
  58. // sg552
  59. // ak47
  60. // p90
  61. // shield
  62. // weapon
  63. // knife
  64. // grenade (text is singular)
  65. // hegren (text is plural, but the behavior is the same)
  66. // pistol
  67. // SMG
  68. // machinegun
  69. // shotgun
  70. // rifle
  71. // sniper
  72. // fn57
  73. // elites
  74. // - start ------------------------------------------
  75. "de_dust_cz"
  76. {
  77. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech"
  78. "minEnemies" "3"
  79. "threshold" "2"
  80. "tasks" "'kill 1'"
  81. }
  82. "cs_office_cz"
  83. {
  84. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Rat Screech Madman"
  85. "minEnemies" "3"
  86. "threshold" "2"
  87. "tasks" "'killwith 1 SMG' 'rescue 1'"
  88. }
  89. "de_prodigy_cz"
  90. {
  91. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Screech Rat Madman"
  92. "minEnemies" "3"
  93. "threshold" "2"
  94. "tasks" "'killwith 1 sniper'"
  95. }
  96. // - early -------------------------------------------
  97. "de_tides_cz"
  98. {
  99. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech"
  100. "minEnemies" "5"
  101. "threshold" "7"
  102. "tasks" "'killwith 1 shotgun' 'winfast 90'"
  103. }
  104. "cs_italy_cz"
  105. {
  106. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech"
  107. "minEnemies" "5"
  108. "threshold" "7"
  109. "tasks" "'killwith 1 sniper' 'rescue 1'"
  110. }
  111. "de_inferno_cz"
  112. {
  113. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech"
  114. "minEnemies" "5"
  115. "threshold" "7"
  116. "tasks" "'killwith 1 pistol'"
  117. }
  118. // - halfway -----------------------------------------
  119. "de_dust2_cz"
  120. {
  121. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Outcast Splinter Worm"
  122. "minEnemies" "6"
  123. "threshold" "10"
  124. "tasks" "'killwith 2 sniper' 'winfast 90'"
  125. }
  126. "cs_militia_cz"
  127. {
  128. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Splinter Outcast Worm"
  129. "minEnemies" "6"
  130. "threshold" "10"
  131. "tasks" "'killwith 2 shotgun' 'rescue 1'"
  132. }
  133. "de_stadium_cz"
  134. {
  135. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Worm Outcast Splinter"
  136. "minEnemies" "6"
  137. "threshold" "10"
  138. "tasks" "'killwith 2 aug' 'winfast 90'"
  139. }
  140. // - halfway ----------------------------------------
  141. "de_chateau_cz"
  142. {
  143. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Outcast Splinter Worm"
  144. "minEnemies" "6"
  145. "threshold" "13"
  146. "tasks" "'killwith 2 m249'"
  147. }
  148. "cs_havana_cz"
  149. {
  150. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Worm Outcast Splinter"
  151. "minEnemies" "6"
  152. "threshold" "13"
  153. "tasks" "'killwith 2 pistol' 'rescue 1'"
  154. }
  155. "de_cbble_cz"
  156. {
  157. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Splinter Outcast Worm"
  158. "minEnemies" "6"
  159. "threshold" "13"
  160. "tasks" "'killwith 2 shield' 'winfast 90'"
  161. }
  162. // - late -------------------------------------------
  163. "de_aztec_cz"
  164. {
  165. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Splinter Outcast Worm"
  166. "minEnemies" "7"
  167. "threshold" "16"
  168. "tasks" "'kill 3' 'killwith 2 awp' 'winfast 90'"
  169. }
  170. "cs_downed_cz"
  171. {
  172. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Outcast Splinter Worm"
  173. "minEnemies" "7"
  174. "threshold" "16"
  175. "tasks" "'kill 3' 'killwith 2 famas' 'rescue 1'"
  176. }
  177. "de_airstrip_cz"
  178. {
  179. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Worm Outcast Splinter"
  180. "minEnemies" "7"
  181. "threshold" "16"
  182. "tasks" "'kill 3' 'killwith 2 shield'"
  183. }
  184. // - end --------------------------------------------
  185. "de_piranesi_cz"
  186. {
  187. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Splinter Outcast Worm"
  188. "minEnemies" "7"
  189. "threshold" "19"
  190. "tasks" "'kill 5' 'killwith 3 aug'"
  191. }
  192. "de_fastline_cz"
  193. {
  194. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Worm Outcast Splinter"
  195. "minEnemies" "7"
  196. "threshold" "19"
  197. "tasks" "'kill 6' 'killwith 3 SMG'"
  198. }
  199. "de_torn_cz"
  200. {
  201. "bots" "Weasel Lunatic Crackpot Madman Rat Screech Outcast Worm Splinter"
  202. "minEnemies" "7"
  203. "threshold" "19"
  204. "tasks" "'kill 7' 'killwith 3 sniper'"
  205. }
  206. }
  207. }