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bot_commands.rtf 7.2KB

  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang11274{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;}
  3. {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\ul\b\f0\fs20 BOT CONTROL\cf0\b0\par
  4. \par
  5. \ulnone\b bot_add\par
  6. bot_add_t\par
  7. bot_add_ct\b0\par
  8. \par
  9. Causes a bot to be added to the game. "bot_add" will add a bot to the team specified by the "bot_join_team" cvar. "bot_add_t" and "bot_add_ct" forces the bot onto the respective teams.\par
  10. \par
  11. \b bot_kill \cf2 <name, "all">\b0\par
  12. \cf0 This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be killed.\par
  13. \par
  14. \b bot_kick \cf2 <name, "all">\b0\par
  15. \cf0 This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be kicked.\par
  16. \par
  17. \b bot_knives_only\par
  18. bot_pistols_only\par
  19. bot_snipers_only\par
  20. bot_all_weapons\b0\par
  21. These commands are shortcuts that set the bot_allow_* cvars accordingly.\par
  22. \par
  23. \b bot_difficulty \cf2 [0-3]\b0\par
  24. \cf0 This cvar determines the difficulty of all newly created bots (existing bots will retain the difficulty setting they were created with). Zero = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = expert. Difficulty values higher than 3 are reset to 3.\par
  25. \par
  26. \b bot_quota \cf2 <minimum number of bots>\b0\par
  27. \cf0 Setting this cvar to a nonzero value will cause the given number of bots to be maintained in the game. If a bot is kicked, a new bot will be added to maintain the quota. To disable the quota, set it to zero.\par
  28. \par
  29. \b bot_prefix \cf2 <string>\b0\par
  30. \cf0 The given <string> will be prefixed to all subsequently added bot names. This is useful for "clan-tagging" bots.\par
  31. \par
  32. \b bot_join_team \cf2 [ct, t, any]\b0\par
  33. \cf0 Determines which team the bots will join.\par
  34. \par
  35. \b bot_join_after_player \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  36. \cf0 If nonzero, the bots will wait to join the game until at least one human player has joined.\par
  37. \par
  38. \b bot_allow_pistols\par
  39. bot_allow_shotguns\par
  40. bot_allow_sub_machine_guns\par
  41. bot_allow_rifles\par
  42. bot_allow_machine_guns\par
  43. bot_allow_grenades\par
  44. bot_allow_snipers\par
  45. bot_allow_shield\par
  46. \b0 All of the "bot_allow" cvars can be either 0 or 1. If zero, the bots will not buy or use the given category of weapon.\par
  47. \par
  48. \b bot_allow_rogues \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  49. \cf0 If nonzero, allows bots to occasionally "go rogue". Rogue bots just "run and gun", and will respond to all radio commands with "Negative".\par
  50. \par
  51. \par
  52. \cf1\ul\b NAVIGATION MESH EDITING\cf0\par
  53. \par
  54. \ulnone\b0 Each of the following bot_nav_ commands operate on the navigation mesh, allowing hand-tuning of the automatically learned data. It is recommended that these commands be bound to keys for ease of use while editing.\par
  55. \cf3\b CAUTION:\cf0\b0 There is no "undo" operation. Save your navigation mesh often.\par
  56. \par
  57. \b bot_nav_mark\b0\par
  58. Marks the currently selected nav area for later operations.\par
  59. \par
  60. \b bot_goto_mark\b0\par
  61. Causes one bot in the map to move to the center of the currently marked area. This is useful for testing the walkability of specific portions of the navigation mesh.\par
  62. \par
  63. \b bot_nav_delete\b0\par
  64. Deletes the currently selected nav area.\par
  65. \par
  66. \b bot_nav_split\b0\par
  67. Splits the currently selected nav area into two new nav areas, along the white split line.\par
  68. \par
  69. \b bot_nav_merge\b0\par
  70. Merges the currently selected nav area and a previously marked nav area into a new, single nav area. The merge will only occur if the two areas are the same size along the merge line.\par
  71. \par
  72. \b bot_nav_connect\b0\par
  73. Creates a ONE WAY link from the currently marked area to the currently selected area, telling the bots they can walk FROM the marked area TO the selected area. For most areas, you will want to connect the areas in both directions. However, for some "jump down" areas, the bots can move one way, but cannot get back the other.\par
  74. \par
  75. \b bot_nav_disconnect\b0\par
  76. Disconnects ALL connections from the currently marked area to the currently selected area.\par
  77. \par
  78. \b bot_nav_begin_area\par
  79. bot_nav_end_area\b0\par
  80. These two commands allow the creation of new nav areas. "bot_nav_begin_area" marks one corner of the area. "bot_nav_end_area" marks the opposite corner of the area and creates it. To cancel the operation, issue a "bot_nav_begin_area" command again.\par
  81. \par
  82. \b bot_nav_splice\b0\par
  83. Creates a new nav area between the currently marked area and the currently selected area, and bidirectionally connects the new area. This command is especially useful for creating sloped nav areas.\par
  84. \par
  85. \b bot_nav_crouch\b0\par
  86. Flags the currently selected area as "crouch", requiring bots to crouch (duck) to move through it.\par
  87. \par
  88. \b bot_nav_jump\b0\par
  89. Flags the currently selected area as "jump". This is a hint to the bots that they should jump to traverse this area.\par
  90. \par
  91. \b bot_nav_edit \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  92. \cf0 Setting this cvar to 1 allows hand-tuning of the bot's navigation mesh. Once edit mode has been activated, the bot_nav_* commands can be used.\par
  93. \par
  94. \b bot_nav_zdraw \cf2 <height value>\b0\par
  95. \cf0 This value determines how high above the ground to draw the "nav mesh" when in nav edit mode. If the terrain is very irregular or highly sloped, it can be useful to increase this value to 10 or 15. The default value is 4.\par
  96. \par
  97. \b bot_quicksave \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  98. \cf0 If nonzero, the analysis phase of map learning will be skipped. This is useful when iteratively hand-tuning nav files. Note that withough this analysis, the bots will not look around the world properly.\par
  99. \par
  100. \par
  101. \cf1\ul\b NAVIGATION MESH PROCESSING\cf0\par
  102. \ulnone\b0\par
  103. \b bot_nav_analyze\b0\par
  104. Analyze the navigation mesh to determine Approach Points and Encounter Spots. This may take several minutes based on the size and complexity of the map.\par
  105. \cf4\b NOTE:\cf0\b0 This command requires one bot to be in the game. The recommended procedure is to save the mesh, add a bot, and quickly enter bot_analyze.\par
  106. \par
  107. \b bot_nav_save\b0\par
  108. Saves the current navigation mesh to disk. The navigation mesh ("nav" file) is automatically named to correspond to the current map file. For instance, if the map is de_dust.bsp, the nav file will be de_dust.nav.\par
  109. \par
  110. \b bot_nav_load\b0\par
  111. Clears the current navigation mesh, and loads it from disk.\par
  112. \par
  113. \par
  114. \cf1\ul\b DEBUGGING\cf0\ulnone\b0\par
  115. \par
  116. \b bot_walk \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  117. \cf0 Force all bots to walk (disallow running).\par
  118. \par
  119. \b bot_stop \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  120. \cf0 If nonzero, all bots will stop moving and responding.\par
  121. \par
  122. \b bot_show_nav \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  123. \cf0 If nonzero, the nav mesh near each bot is drawn.\par
  124. \par
  125. \b bot_show_danger \cf2 [0,1]\b0\par
  126. \cf0 If nonzero, the "danger" in each nav area is draw as a vertical line. Blue lines represent danger for CTs, and red lines are danger for Ts.\par
  127. \par
  128. \b bot_traceview \cf2 <value>\b0\par
  129. \cf0 Used for internal debugging of bot navigation.\par
  130. \par
  131. \b bot_debug \cf2 <value>\b0\par
  132. \cf0 Used for internal debugging of bot behavior.\par
  133. \par
  134. \par
  135. \cf1\ul\b MISC\ulnone\b0\par
  136. \cf0\par
  137. \b bot_about\b0\par
  138. Displays the bot version number, and information about the bot's author.\par
  139. \f1\par
  140. }