You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

admin_italian.txt 42KB

  1. "lang"
  2. {
  3. "Language" "italian"
  4. "Tokens"
  5. {
  6. "Okay_Button" "OK"
  7. "[english]Okay_Button" "&OK"
  8. "Cancel_Button" "Annulla"
  9. "[english]Cancel_Button" "&Cancel"
  10. "Close_Button" "Chiudi"
  11. "[english]Close_Button" "&Close"
  12. "Add_Ban_Title" "Bando giocatori: i miei server"
  13. "[english]Add_Ban_Title" "Player Ban - My Servers"
  14. "Add_Ban_Time_Temporary" "Temporaneo:"
  15. "[english]Add_Ban_Time_Temporary" "Temporary:"
  16. "Add_Ban_Time_Permanent" "Permanente"
  17. "[english]Add_Ban_Time_Permanent" "Permanent"
  18. "Add_Ban_Period_Minutes" "minuti"
  19. "[english]Add_Ban_Period_Minutes" "minute(s)"
  20. "Add_Ban_Period_Hours" "ore"
  21. "[english]Add_Ban_Period_Hours" "hour(s)"
  22. "Add_Ban_Period_Days" "giorni"
  23. "[english]Add_Ban_Period_Days" "day(s)"
  24. "Add_Ban_Error" "Errore di aggiunta bando"
  25. "[english]Add_Ban_Error" "Add Ban Error"
  26. "Add_Ban_Time_Invalid" "Il tempo specificato non è valido.
  27. Deve essere uguale o maggiore di zero."
  28. "[english]Add_Ban_Time_Invalid" "The time you entered is invalid.
  29. It must be equal to or greater than zero."
  30. "Add_Ban_ID_Invalid" "Devi inserire un ID autorizzato o un indirizzo IP."
  31. "[english]Add_Ban_ID_Invalid" "You must enter an Auth ID or IP Address."
  32. "Add_Ban_Time_Empty" "Per aggiungere un bando temporaneo, devi specificare il numero di minuti."
  33. "[english]Add_Ban_Time_Empty" "To add a temporary ban, you must specify the number of minutes"
  34. "Add_Ban_ID_IP_Label" "Indirizzo IP o ID aut.:"
  35. "[english]Add_Ban_ID_IP_Label" "IP address or AuthID:"
  36. "Add_Ban_Player" "Giocatore"
  37. "[english]Add_Ban_Player" "Player"
  38. "Add_Ban_Duration_Label" "Durata bando:"
  39. "[english]Add_Ban_Duration_Label" "Ban duration:"
  40. "Add_Server_Title" "Aggiungi server: server"
  41. "[english]Add_Server_Title" "Add Server - Servers"
  42. "Add_Server_Error" "Aggiungi server: errore"
  43. "[english]Add_Server_Error" "Add Server - Error"
  44. "Add_Server_Error_IP" "L'indirizzo IP del server inserito non è valido."
  45. "[english]Add_Server_Error_IP" "The server IP address you entered is invalid."
  46. "Config_Panel" "Config."
  47. "[english]Config_Panel" "Config"
  48. "Config_Time_Error" "Il valore del tempo è fuori gamma (0<x<9999)."
  49. "[english]Config_Time_Error" "Time value is out of range. (0<x<9999)"
  50. "Config_Timelimit" "Limite tempo"
  51. "[english]Config_Timelimit" "Timelimit"
  52. "Config_Fraglimit" "Limite frag"
  53. "[english]Config_Fraglimit" "Fraglimit"
  54. "Config_Password" "Password"
  55. "[english]Config_Password" "Password"
  56. "Config_Friendly_Fire" "Abilitare il fuoco amico?"
  57. "[english]Config_Friendly_Fire" "Enable Friendly Fire?"
  58. "Config_Uploads" "Attivare i caricamenti?"
  59. "[english]Config_Uploads" "Allow Uploads?"
  60. "Config_Voice" "Attivare la voce?"
  61. "[english]Config_Voice" "Allow Voice?"
  62. "Config_MinRate" "Velocità min"
  63. "[english]Config_MinRate" "Min Rate"
  64. "Config_MaxRate" "Velocità max"
  65. "[english]Config_MaxRate" "Max Rate"
  66. "Game_Main_Settings" "Impostazioni principali"
  67. "[english]Game_Main_Settings" "Main"
  68. "Game_Configure" "Configura"
  69. "[english]Game_Configure" "Configure"
  70. "Game_Current_Players" "Giocatori attuali"
  71. "[english]Game_Current_Players" "Players"
  72. "Game_Server_Statistics" "Statistiche server"
  73. "[english]Game_Server_Statistics" "Statistics"
  74. "Game_Bans" "Bandi"
  75. "[english]Game_Bans" "Bans"
  76. "Game_Chat" "Chat"
  77. "[english]Game_Chat" "Chat"
  78. "Game_Console" "Console"
  79. "[english]Game_Console" "Console"
  80. "Game_Server_Not_Responding" "Il server non ha risposto"
  81. "[english]Game_Server_Not_Responding" "Server Failed to respond"
  82. "Game_Server_Error" "Errore del server"
  83. "[english]Game_Server_Error" "Server Error"
  84. "Game_RemoteTitle" "%s1 [remote]: i miei server"
  85. "[english]Game_RemoteTitle" "%s1 [remote] - My Servers"
  86. "Game_RemoteTitle_Failed" "%s1 [remote,disconnected]: i miei server"
  87. "[english]Game_RemoteTitle_Failed" "%s1 [remote,disconnected] - My Servers"
  88. "Game_LocalTitle" "%s1"
  89. "[english]Game_LocalTitle" "%s1"
  90. "Game_Restart_Server" "Sei sicuro di voler arrestare
  91. questo server?"
  92. "[english]Game_Restart_Server" "Are you sure you want to stop
  93. this server?"
  94. "Game_Password_Error_Title" "Password non corrispondente: i miei server"
  95. "[english]Game_Password_Error_Title" "Password Mismatch - My Servers"
  96. "Game_Password_Old_MisMatch" "Errore: la vecchia password non corrisponde"
  97. "[english]Game_Password_Old_MisMatch" "Error: old password did not match"
  98. "Game_Password_New_MisMAtch" "Errore: le nuove password non corrispondono"
  99. "[english]Game_Password_New_MisMAtch" "Error: new passwords did not match"
  100. "Game_New_Cvar" "Inserisci il nuovo valore CVAR"
  101. "[english]Game_New_Cvar" "Enter the new CVAR value"
  102. "Game_New_Cvar_Title" "Modifica CVAR"
  103. "[english]Game_New_Cvar_Title" "Change CVAR"
  104. "Game_Chat_Msg" "Digita il messaggio da inviare"
  105. "[english]Game_Chat_Msg" "Type message to send"
  106. "Game_Chat_Msg_Title" "Chat"
  107. "[english]Game_Chat_Msg_Title" "Chat"
  108. "Game_Slap_Player" "Ammonire %s1?"
  109. "[english]Game_Slap_Player" "Slap %s1?"
  110. "Game_Kick_Player" "Espellere %s1?"
  111. "[english]Game_Kick_Player" "Kick %s1?"
  112. "Game_Ban_Add_Title" "Aggiungi bando: i miei server"
  113. "[english]Game_Ban_Add_Title" "Add Ban - My Servers"
  114. "Game_Rcon_Password_None" "Nessuna password di console remota definita per il server. Definiscila."
  115. "[english]Game_Rcon_Password_None" "No Rcon password set for this server. Set it first."
  116. "Game_Rcon_Password_Bad" "Password di console remota non valida"
  117. "[english]Game_Rcon_Password_Bad" "Bad Rcon Password"
  118. "Game_Rcon_Password_Enter" "Inserisci la password di console remota per il server"
  119. "[english]Game_Rcon_Password_Enter" "Enter Rcon Password for this Server"
  120. "Game_Rcon_Password_Name" "Password:"
  121. "[english]Game_Rcon_Password_Name" "Password:"
  122. "Game_Rcon_Password_Title" "Inserisci la password di console remota"
  123. "[english]Game_Rcon_Password_Title" "Enter Rcon Password"
  124. "Game_Apply" "Applica"
  125. "[english]Game_Apply" "&Apply"
  126. "Game_Cancel" "Annulla"
  127. "[english]Game_Cancel" "&Cancel"
  128. "Game_Stop_Server" "Arresta server"
  129. "[english]Game_Stop_Server" "&Stop Server"
  130. "Game_Stop_Server_Title" "Arresta server"
  131. "[english]Game_Stop_Server_Title" "Stop Server"
  132. "Game_Refresh" "Aggiorna"
  133. "[english]Game_Refresh" "&Refresh"
  134. "Game_View_Label" "Visualizza"
  135. "[english]Game_View_Label" "View"
  136. "Kick_Player_Question" "Espellere il giocatore?"
  137. "[english]Kick_Player_Question" "Kick Player?"
  138. "Kick_Player_Player_Name" "<player name>"
  139. "[english]Kick_Player_Player_Name" "<player name>"
  140. "Kick_Player_Title" "Espelli/Bandisci/Stato giocatore"
  141. "[english]Kick_Player_Title" "Kick/Ban/Status Player"
  142. "Ban_Title_Remove" "Rimuovi bando: i miei server"
  143. "[english]Ban_Title_Remove" "Remove Ban - My Servers"
  144. "Ban_Title_Change" "Modifica bando: i miei server"
  145. "[english]Ban_Title_Change" "Change Ban - My Servers"
  146. "Ban_Change_Time" "Impostare il bando a quanti minuti?"
  147. "[english]Ban_Change_Time" "Change ban to how many minutes?"
  148. "Ban_Find_Ban_File" "Trova il file di bando"
  149. "[english]Ban_Find_Ban_File" "Find the ban file"
  150. "Ban_Auth_ID" "ID aut."
  151. "[english]Ban_Auth_ID" "Auth ID"
  152. "Ban_IP" "Indirizzo IP"
  153. "[english]Ban_IP" "IP Address"
  154. "Ban_List_Type" "Tipo ID"
  155. "[english]Ban_List_Type" "ID Type"
  156. "Ban_List_ID" "ID"
  157. "[english]Ban_List_ID" "ID"
  158. "Ban_List_Time" "Durata bando"
  159. "[english]Ban_List_Time" "Ban Duration"
  160. "Ban_List_Add" "Aggiungi..."
  161. "[english]Ban_List_Add" "&Add..."
  162. "Ban_List_Remove" "Rimuovi"
  163. "[english]Ban_List_Remove" "&Remove"
  164. "Ban_List_Edit" "Modifica..."
  165. "[english]Ban_List_Edit" "&Edit..."
  166. "Ban_List_Import" "Importa"
  167. "[english]Ban_List_Import" "&Import"
  168. "Ban_List_Permanent_Ban" "Permanente"
  169. "[english]Ban_List_Permanent_Ban" "Permanent"
  170. "Ban_Minutes_Msg" "%s1 minuti"
  171. "[english]Ban_Minutes_Msg" "%s1 minutes"
  172. "Ban_Remove_Msg" "Rimuovere l'ID %s1 dall'elenco dei bandi?"
  173. "[english]Ban_Remove_Msg" "Remove ID %s1 from ban list?"
  174. "Ban_List_Empty" "Non esistono bandi definiti sul server."
  175. "[english]Ban_List_Empty" "There are no bans set on the server."
  176. "Manage_Add_Server_IP" "Aggiungi server per indirizzo IP"
  177. "[english]Manage_Add_Server_IP" "&Add server by IP address"
  178. "Manage_Refresh_List" "Aggiorna elenco"
  179. "[english]Manage_Refresh_List" "&Refresh list"
  180. "Server_Info_Join_Game" "Unisciti"
  181. "[english]Server_Info_Join_Game" "&Join"
  182. "Server_Info_Error" "Errore del server"
  183. "[english]Server_Info_Error" "Server Error"
  184. "Server_Info_Maps_Error" "Impossibile recuperare l'elenco delle mappe."
  185. "[english]Server_Info_Maps_Error" "Unable to retrieve maps list."
  186. "Cvar_Title" "Inserisci un nuovo valore CVAR"
  187. "[english]Cvar_Title" "Enter new CVAR value"
  188. "Dialog_Game_Info_Connect" "Unisciti a partita"
  189. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Connect" "&Join Game"
  190. "Dialog_Game_Info_Close" "Chiudi"
  191. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Close" "&Close"
  192. "Dialog_Game_Info_Refresh" "Aggiorna"
  193. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Refresh" "&Refresh"
  194. "Dialog_Game_Info_Retry" "Riprova (Auto)"
  195. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Retry" "&Auto-Retry"
  196. "Dialog_Game_Info_Retry_Alert" "Avvisami quando uno spazio per giocare è libero sul server."
  197. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Retry_Alert" "A&lert me when a player slot is available on server."
  198. "Dialog_Game_Info_Retry_Join" "Unisciti al server non appena uno spazio per giocare è libero."
  199. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Retry_Join" "J&oin the server as soon as a player slot is available."
  200. "Dialog_Game_Info_Join_Connect" "Premi \"Unisciti a partita\" per connetterti al server."
  201. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Join_Connect" "Press 'Join Game' to connect to the server."
  202. "Dialog_Game_Info_Join_Free" "Ti unirai al server non appena uno spazio per giocare sarà libero."
  203. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Join_Free" "You will join the server as soon as a player slot is free."
  204. "Dialog_Game_Info_Altert_Free" "Sarai avvisato non appena uno spazio per giocare sarà libero sul server."
  205. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Altert_Free" "You will be alerted as soon player slot is free on the server."
  206. "Dialog_Game_Info_Full" "Impossibile connettersi: il server è pieno."
  207. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Full" "Could not connect - server is full."
  208. "Dialog_Game_Info_Not_Responding" "Il server non risponde. %s1"
  209. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Not_Responding" "Server is not responding. %s1"
  210. "Dialog_Game_Info_Server_Label" "Nome server"
  211. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Server_Label" "Server Name"
  212. "Dialog_Game_Info_Game_Label" "Gioco"
  213. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Game_Label" "Game"
  214. "Dialog_Game_Info_Map_Label" "Mappa"
  215. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Map_Label" "Map"
  216. "Dialog_Game_Log_Check" "Abilita registrazione attività"
  217. "[english]Dialog_Game_Log_Check" "Enable activity log"
  218. "Dialog_Game_Info_Ping_Label" "Ping"
  219. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Ping_Label" "Ping"
  220. "Dialog_Game_Info_IP_Label" "Indirizzo IP"
  221. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_IP_Label" "IP Address"
  222. "Dialog_Game_Info_Players_Label" "Giocatori"
  223. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_Players_Label" "Players"
  224. "Dialog_Game_Info_TimeLimit_Label" "Limite tempo"
  225. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_TimeLimit_Label" "Timelimit"
  226. "Dialog_Game_Info_FragLimit_Label" "Limite frag"
  227. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_FragLimit_Label" "Fraglimit"
  228. "Dialog_Game_Info_TimeLeft_Label" "Tempo rimasto"
  229. "[english]Dialog_Game_Info_TimeLeft_Label" "Timeleft"
  230. "Password_Dialog_Pass_Required" "Questo server richiede una password per unirsi."
  231. "[english]Password_Dialog_Pass_Required" "This server requires a password to join."
  232. "Password_Dialog_Game_Label" "<game label>"
  233. "[english]Password_Dialog_Game_Label" "<game label>"
  234. "Password_Dialog_Connect" "Connetti"
  235. "[english]Password_Dialog_Connect" "&Connect"
  236. "Password_Dailog_Ttitle" "Il server richiede una password: server"
  237. "[english]Password_Dailog_Ttitle" "Server Requires Password - Servers"
  238. "BaseGames_Refresh" "Aggiorna elenco"
  239. "[english]BaseGames_Refresh" "&Refresh list"
  240. "BaseGames_Remove" "Rimuovi"
  241. "[english]BaseGames_Remove" "R&emove"
  242. "BaseGames_AddIP" "Aggiungi server remoto..."
  243. "[english]BaseGames_AddIP" "&Add Remote Server..."
  244. "BaseGames_Manage" "Gestisci"
  245. "[english]BaseGames_Manage" "&Manage"
  246. "BaseGames_Servers" "Server"
  247. "[english]BaseGames_Servers" "Servers"
  248. "BaseGames_Servers_Multiple" "Server (%s1)"
  249. "[english]BaseGames_Servers_Multiple" "Servers (%s1)"
  250. "BaseGames_Game" "Gioco"
  251. "[english]BaseGames_Game" "Game"
  252. "BaseGames_Players" "Giocatori"
  253. "[english]BaseGames_Players" "Players"
  254. "BaseGames_Map" "Mappa"
  255. "[english]BaseGames_Map" "Map"
  256. "BaseGames_Latency" "Latenza"
  257. "[english]BaseGames_Latency" "Latency"
  258. "BaseGames_RefreshList" "Aggiornamento elenco server..."
  259. "[english]BaseGames_RefreshList" "Refreshing server list..."
  260. "BaseGames_Remove_Server" "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere il server dal tuo elenco?"
  261. "[english]BaseGames_Remove_Server" "Are you sure you want to remove the server from your list?"
  262. "BaseGames_Remove_Server_Title" "Rimuovere il server?"
  263. "[english]BaseGames_Remove_Server_Title" "Remove Server?"
  264. "BaseGameS_DataFile_Error" "Impossibile aprire file di dati."
  265. "[english]BaseGameS_DataFile_Error" "Unable to open datafile."
  266. "BaseGames_Update_Favorites" "Trasferimento dei tuoi preferiti. Può richiedere un minuto..."
  267. "[english]BaseGames_Update_Favorites" "Transferring your Favorites. This may take a minute..."
  268. "BaseGames_Update_Favorites_Title" "Aggiornamento preferiti"
  269. "[english]BaseGames_Update_Favorites_Title" "Updating Favorites"
  270. "BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Load_Title" "Impossibile caricare i preferiti."
  271. "[english]BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Load_Title" "Unable to load favorites"
  272. "BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Load" "Errore di caricamento file."
  273. "[english]BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Load" "Error loading file."
  274. "BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Corrupt" "Errore di caricamento. Il file potrebbe essere corrotto."
  275. "[english]BaseGames_Favorites_Unable_Corrupt" "Error loading. File may be corrupt."
  276. "BaseGames_No_Servers" "Nessun server nell'elenco \"I miei server\"."
  277. "[english]BaseGames_No_Servers" "No servers in My Servers list."
  278. "BaseGames_Start_Local" "Avvia server locale..."
  279. "[english]BaseGames_Start_Local" "&Start local server..."
  280. "BaseGames_Options" "Opzioni"
  281. "[english]BaseGames_Options" "&Options"
  282. "Ban_Menu_Add" "Aggiungi bando"
  283. "[english]Ban_Menu_Add" "&Add Ban"
  284. "Ban_Menu_Remove" "Rimuovi bando"
  285. "[english]Ban_Menu_Remove" "&Remove Ban"
  286. "Ban_Menu_Change" "Modifica tempo"
  287. "[english]Ban_Menu_Change" "&Change Time"
  288. "Player_Menu_Kick" "Espelli giocatore"
  289. "[english]Player_Menu_Kick" "&Kick Player"
  290. "Player_Menu_Ban" "Bandisci giocatore..."
  291. "[english]Player_Menu_Ban" "&Ban Player..."
  292. "Rules_Menu_Change" "Modifica valore"
  293. "[english]Rules_Menu_Change" "&Change Value"
  294. "Server_Menu_Manage" "Gestisci server"
  295. "[english]Server_Menu_Manage" "&Manage Server"
  296. "Server_Menu_Join" "Unisciti a server"
  297. "[english]Server_Menu_Join" "&Join server"
  298. "Server_Menu_Refresh" "Aggiorna server"
  299. "[english]Server_Menu_Refresh" "&Refresh server"
  300. "Server_Menu_Remove" "Rimuovi server"
  301. "[english]Server_Menu_Remove" "&Remove server"
  302. "Chat_Panel_Send" "Invia"
  303. "[english]Chat_Panel_Send" "&Send"
  304. "Graph_In" "Dentro"
  305. "[english]Graph_In" "In"
  306. "Graph_Out" "Fuori"
  307. "[english]Graph_Out" "Out"
  308. "Graph_FPS" "FPS"
  309. "[english]Graph_FPS" "FPS"
  310. "Graph_CPU" "CPU"
  311. "[english]Graph_CPU" "CPU"
  312. "Graph_Ping" "Ping"
  313. "[english]Graph_Ping" "Ping"
  314. "Graph_Players" "Giocatori"
  315. "[english]Graph_Players" "Players"
  316. "Graph_Uptime" "Tempo di attività server"
  317. "[english]Graph_Uptime" "Server Uptime"
  318. "Graph_Total_Players" "Giocatori totali"
  319. "[english]Graph_Total_Players" "Total Players"
  320. "Graph_Vertical_Units" "Unità verticali"
  321. "[english]Graph_Vertical_Units" "Vertical Units"
  322. "Graph_Timebase" "Mostra"
  323. "[english]Graph_Timebase" "Show"
  324. "Graph_Hours" "Ora più recente"
  325. "[english]Graph_Hours" "Most Recent Hour"
  326. "Graph_Minutes" "Minuto più recente"
  327. "[english]Graph_Minutes" "Most Recent Minute"
  328. "Graph_Day" "Giorno più recente"
  329. "[english]Graph_Day" "Most Recent Day"
  330. "Player_Panel_Name" "Nome giocatore"
  331. "[english]Player_Panel_Name" "Player Name"
  332. "Player_Panel_ID" "ID aut."
  333. "[english]Player_Panel_ID" "AuthID"
  334. "Player_Panel_Ping" "Ping"
  335. "[english]Player_Panel_Ping" "Ping"
  336. "Player_Panel_Loss" "Sconfitta"
  337. "[english]Player_Panel_Loss" "Loss"
  338. "Player_Panel_Frags" "Frag"
  339. "[english]Player_Panel_Frags" "Frags"
  340. "Player_Panel_Time" "Tempo"
  341. "[english]Player_Panel_Time" "Time"
  342. "Player_Panel_Kick" "Espelli"
  343. "[english]Player_Panel_Kick" "&Kick"
  344. "Player_Panel_Chat" "Comunica"
  345. "[english]Player_Panel_Chat" "&Chat"
  346. "Player_Panel_Slap" "Ammonisci"
  347. "[english]Player_Panel_Slap" "&Slap"
  348. "Player_Panel_Ban" "Bandisci"
  349. "[english]Player_Panel_Ban" "&Ban"
  350. "Player_Panel_Slap_Menu" "Ammonisci giocatore"
  351. "[english]Player_Panel_Slap_Menu" "&Slap (warn) player"
  352. "Player_Panel_Chat_Menu" "Invia messaggio istantaneo"
  353. "[english]Player_Panel_Chat_Menu" "Send instant message"
  354. "Player_Panel_No_Players" "Nessun giocatore è connesso al server."
  355. "[english]Player_Panel_No_Players" "No players are currently connected to the server."
  356. "Console_Send" "Invia"
  357. "[english]Console_Send" "&Send"
  358. "Rules_Panel_List_Variable" "Variabile console"
  359. "[english]Rules_Panel_List_Variable" "Console Variable"
  360. "Rules_Panel_List_Value" "Valore"
  361. "[english]Rules_Panel_List_Value" "Value"
  362. "Rules_Panel_List_Edit" "Modifica..."
  363. "[english]Rules_Panel_List_Edit" "&Edit..."
  364. "Rules_Panel_NoHelp" "Nessuna informazione su questa variabile"
  365. "[english]Rules_Panel_NoHelp" "No help on this variable"
  366. "Password_Panel_Old" "Vecchia password console rem."
  367. "[english]Password_Panel_Old" "Old Rcon password"
  368. "Password_Panel_New" "Nuova password console rem."
  369. "[english]Password_Panel_New" "New Rcon password"
  370. "Password_Panel_Confirm" "Conferma password console rem."
  371. "[english]Password_Panel_Confirm" "Confirm Rcon password"
  372. "Password_Panel_Player" "Password giocatore"
  373. "[english]Password_Panel_Player" "Player Password"
  374. "Password_Panel_Remove" "Rimuovi password giocatore esistente"
  375. "[english]Password_Panel_Remove" "Remove existing player password"
  376. "Cvar_Dialog_Value" "Valore:"
  377. "[english]Cvar_Dialog_Value" "Value:"
  378. "Cvar_Dialog_Name" "Nome:"
  379. "[english]Cvar_Dialog_Name" "Name:"
  380. "RawLog_Panel_Send" "Invia"
  381. "[english]RawLog_Panel_Send" "&Send"
  382. "Options_Panel_AutoRefresh" "Aggiorna i dettagli dei server ogni"
  383. "[english]Options_Panel_AutoRefresh" "Auto-refresh the server details every"
  384. "Options_Panel_AutoRefresh_Time" "60"
  385. "[english]Options_Panel_AutoRefresh_Time" "60"
  386. "Options_Panel_SaveRcon" "Salva password console rem."
  387. "[english]Options_Panel_SaveRcon" "Save Rcon Passwords"
  388. "Options_Panel_SaveRcon_Unsecure" "[ Attenzione: NON SICURO ]"
  389. "[english]Options_Panel_SaveRcon_Unsecure" "[ warning - NOT SECURE ]"
  390. "Options_Panel_Collect_Stats" "Raccogli le statistiche dei server e visualizza i grafici"
  391. "[english]Options_Panel_Collect_Stats" "Collect server statistics and display graphs"
  392. "Options_Panel_Collect_Stats_Time" "Aggiorna le statistiche e i grafici ogni"
  393. "[english]Options_Panel_Collect_Stats_Time" "update statistics and graphs every"
  394. "Options_Panel_Get_Logs" "Ricevi registri dal server utilizzandone l'indirizzo"
  395. "[english]Options_Panel_Get_Logs" "Get Logs from server using logaddress"
  396. "Options_Panel_Seconds" "secondi"
  397. "[english]Options_Panel_Seconds" "seconds"
  398. "Dialog_AddServer_IP" "Inserisci l'indirizzo IP del server che desideri aggiungere."
  399. "[english]Dialog_AddServer_IP" "Enter the IP address of the server you wish to add."
  400. "Dialog_AddServer_Example" "Esempi:
  404. "[english]Dialog_AddServer_Example" "Examples:
  408. "Dialog_Server_With_Password_Info" "Questo server richiede una password d'accesso."
  409. "[english]Dialog_Server_With_Password_Info" "This server requires a password to join."
  410. "Dialog_Server_With_Password_Server" "Server:"
  411. "[english]Dialog_Server_With_Password_Server" "Server:"
  412. "Dialog_Server_With_Password_Password" "Password:"
  413. "[english]Dialog_Server_With_Password_Password" "&Password:"
  414. "Dialog_Server_With_Password_Connect" "Connetti"
  415. "[english]Dialog_Server_With_Password_Connect" "&Connect"
  416. "Dialog_Server_With_Password_Cancel" "Annulla"
  417. "[english]Dialog_Server_With_Password_Cancel" "C&ancel"
  418. "Game_Budgets" "Budget"
  419. "[english]Game_Budgets" "Budgets"
  420. "Kick_Single_Player_Title" "Espelli giocatore"
  421. "[english]Kick_Single_Player_Title" "Kick player"
  422. "Kick_Multiple_Players_Title" "Espelli giocatori"
  423. "[english]Kick_Multiple_Players_Title" "Kick players"
  424. "Kick_Single_Player_Question" "Espellere '%s1' dal server?"
  425. "[english]Kick_Single_Player_Question" "Do you wish to kick '%s1' from the server?
  426. "
  427. "Kick_Multiple_Players_Question" "Espellere i giocatori selezionati dal server?"
  428. "[english]Kick_Multiple_Players_Question" "Do you wish to kick the selected players from the server?
  429. "
  430. "Ban_Permanent" "Permanente"
  431. "[english]Ban_Permanent" "Permanent"
  432. "All_files" "Tutti i file"
  433. "[english]All_files" "All files"
  434. "Config_files" "File di configurazione"
  435. "[english]Config_files" "Config files"
  436. "Available_Maps" "Mappe disponibili"
  437. "[english]Available_Maps" "Available Maps"
  438. "Map_Cycle" "Ciclo mappa"
  439. "[english]Map_Cycle" "Map Cycle"
  440. }
  441. }