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VACBannedConnRefusedDialog.res 1.9KB

  1. "servers/VACBannedConnRefusedDialog.res"
  2. {
  3. "VACBannedConnRefusedDialog"
  4. {
  5. "ControlName" "CVACBannedConnRefusedDialog"
  6. "fieldName" "VACBannedConnRefusedDialog"
  7. "xpos" "560"
  8. "ypos" "475"
  9. "wide" "480"
  10. "tall" "220"
  11. "autoResize" "0"
  12. "pinCorner" "0"
  13. "visible" "1"
  14. "enabled" "1"
  15. "tabPosition" "0"
  16. "settitlebarvisible" "1"
  17. "title" "#VAC_ConnectionRefusedTitle"
  18. }
  19. "Button1"
  20. {
  21. "ControlName" "Button"
  22. "fieldName" "Button1"
  23. "xpos" "374"
  24. "ypos" "176"
  25. "wide" "84"
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  37. "Command" "Close"
  38. "Default" "1"
  39. }
  40. "Label1"
  41. {
  42. "ControlName" "Label"
  43. "fieldName" "Label1"
  44. "xpos" "95"
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  50. "visible" "1"
  51. "enabled" "1"
  52. "tabPosition" "0"
  53. "labelText" "#VAC_ConnectionRefusedDetail"
  54. "textAlignment" "north-west"
  55. "dulltext" "0"
  56. "brighttext" "0"
  57. "wrap" "1"
  58. }
  59. "URLLabel1"
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  62. "fieldName" "URLLabel1"
  63. "xpos" "95"
  64. "ypos" "152"
  65. "wide" "340"
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  69. "visible" "1"
  70. "enabled" "1"
  71. "tabPosition" "0"
  72. "labelText" "#VAC_ForDetails"
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  75. "brighttext" "0"
  76. "wrap" "0"
  77. "URLText" ""
  78. }
  79. "vac_shield"
  80. {
  81. "ControlName" "ImagePanel"
  82. "fieldName" "vac_shield"
  83. "xpos" "26"
  84. "ypos" "43"
  85. "tooltiptext" "Valve Anti-Cheat"
  86. "wide" "64"
  87. "tall" "64"
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  90. "visible" "1"
  91. "enabled" "1"
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  93. "image" "resource\\VAC_shield"
  94. "scaleImage" "0"
  95. }
  96. }