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serverbrowser_english.txt 18KB

  1. "lang"
  2. {
  3. "Language" "English"
  4. "Tokens"
  5. {
  6. "ServerBrowser_Filter" "Filter"
  7. "ServerBrowser_All" "<All>"
  8. "ServerBrowser_World" "World"
  9. "ServerBrowser_US_East" "US - East"
  10. "ServerBrowser_US_West" "US - West"
  11. "ServerBrowser_SouthAmerica" "South America"
  12. "ServerBrowser_Europe" "Europe"
  13. "ServerBrowser_Asia" "Asia"
  14. "ServerBrowser_Australia" "Australia"
  15. "ServerBrowser_MiddleEast" "Middle East"
  16. "ServerBrowser_Africa" "Africa"
  17. "ServerBrowser_LessThan50" "< 50"
  18. "ServerBrowser_LessThan100" "< 100"
  19. "ServerBrowser_LessThan150" "< 150"
  20. "ServerBrowser_LessThan250" "< 250"
  21. "ServerBrowser_LessThan350" "< 350"
  22. "ServerBrowser_LessThan600" "< 600"
  23. "ServerBrowser_Connect" "Connect"
  24. "ServerBrowser_Servers" "Servers"
  25. "ServerBrowser_Game" "Game"
  26. "ServerBrowser_Players" "Players"
  27. "ServerBrowser_Map" "Map"
  28. "ServerBrowser_Latency" "Latency"
  29. "ServerBrowser_ChangeFilters" "Change filters"
  30. "ServerBrowser_HasUsersPlaying" "Has users playing"
  31. "ServerBrowser_ServerNotFull" "Server not full"
  32. "ServerBrowser_IsNotPasswordProtected" "Is not password protected"
  33. "ServerBrowser_Location" "Location"
  34. "ServerBrowser_PasswordRequired" "This server requires a password to join."
  35. "ServerBrowser_ServerLabel" "Server:"
  36. "ServerBrowser_PasswordLabel" "Password"
  37. "ServerBrowser_Cancel" "Cancel"
  38. "ServerBrowser_JoinGame" "Join Game"
  39. "ServerBrowser_Close" "Close"
  40. "ServerBrowser_AutoRetry" "Auto-Retry"
  41. "ServerBrowser_AlertMeWhenSlotOpens" "Alert me when a player slot is available on the server."
  42. "ServerBrowser_JoinWhenSlotOpens" "Join the server as soon as a player slot is available."
  43. "ServerBrowser_GameLabel" "Game:"
  44. "ServerBrowser_IPAddressLabel" "IP Address:"
  45. "ServerBrowser_MapLabel" "Map:"
  46. "ServerBrowser_PlayersLabel" "Players:"
  47. "ServerBrowser_LatencyLabel" "Latency:"
  48. "ServerBrowser_EnterIPofServerToAdd" "Enter the IP address of the server you wish to add."
  49. "ServerBrowser_OK" "OK"
  50. "ServerBrowser_Examples" "Examples:\n tfc.valvesoftware.com\n counterstrike.speakeasy.net:27016\n"
  51. "ServerBrowser_AddServersTitle" "Add Server - Servers"
  52. "ServerBrowser_AddServerErrorTitle" "Add Server - Error"
  53. "ServerBrowser_AddServerError" "The server IP address you entered is invalid."
  54. "ServerBrowser_ServerRequiresPasswordTitle" "Server Requires Password"
  55. "ServerBrowser_ServerRequiresPassword" "This server requires a password to join."
  56. "ServerBrowser_RemoveServerFromFavorites" "Remove server from favorites"
  57. "ServerBrowser_AddServerByIP" "Add server by IP address"
  58. "ServerBrowser_UpdatingFavsTitle" "Updating Favorites"
  59. "ServerBrowser_UpdatingFavs" "Transferring your Favorites. This may take a minute..."
  60. "ServerBrowser_UnableToLoadFavsTitle" "Unable to load favorites"
  61. "ServerBrowser_ErrorLoadingFile" "Error loading file."
  62. "ServerBrowser_ErrorLoadingFileCorrupt" "Error loading. File may be corrupt."
  63. "ServerBrowser_UnableToOpenDataFile" "Unable to open datafile."
  64. "ServerBrowser_GettingNewServerList" "Getting new server list..."
  65. "ServerBrowser_InternetTab" "Internet"
  66. "ServerBrowser_FavoritesTab" "Favorites"
  67. "ServerBrowser_SpectateTab" "Spectate"
  68. "ServerBrowser_LanTab" "Lan"
  69. "ServerBrowser_FriendsTab" "Friends"
  70. "ServerBrowser_HistoryTab" "History"
  71. "ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle" "Game Info"
  72. "ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle" "Game Info - %s1"
  73. "ServerBrowser_PressJoinToConnect" "Press 'Join Game' to connect to the server."
  74. "ServerBrowser_JoinWhenSlotIsFree" "You will join the server as soon as a player slot is free."
  75. "ServerBrowser_AlertWhenSlotIsFree" "You will be alerted when a player slot is free on the server."
  76. "ServerBrowser_CouldNotConnectServerFull" "Could not connect - server is full."
  77. "ServerBrowser_ServerNotResponding" "Server is not responding."
  78. "ServerBrowser_RefreshingPercentDone" "Refreshing server list... %s1 % complete"
  79. "ServerBrowser_RefreshingServerList" "Refreshing server list..."
  80. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescLatency" "latency"
  81. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescNotFull" "is not full"
  82. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescNotEmpty" "is not empty"
  83. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescNoPassword" "has no password"
  84. "ServerBrowser_NoLanServers" "There are no servers running on your local network."
  85. "ServerBrowser_NoFavoriteServers" "You currently have no favorite servers selected."
  86. "ServerBrowser_NoFriendsServers" "None of your friends are currently playing a game."
  87. "ServerBrowser_NoInternetGames" "There are no internet games visible that pass your filter settings."
  88. "ServerBrowser_NoInternetGamesResponded" "No internet games responded to the query."
  89. "ServerBrowser_MasterServerNotResponsive" "Could not contact master game server to retrieve server list."
  90. "ServerBrowser_MasterServerHasNoServersListed" "There are no internet games listed on the master server that pass your filter settings."
  91. "ServerBrowser_Refresh" "Refresh"
  92. "ServerBrowser_RefreshAll" "Refresh all"
  93. "ServerBrowser_RefreshQuick" "Quick refresh"
  94. "ServerBrowser_StopRefreshingList" "Stop refresh"
  95. "ServerBrowser_AddServer" "Add Server"
  96. "ServerBrowser_PasswordColumn_Tooltip" "Password required to join server"
  97. "ServerBrowser_BotColumn_Tooltip" "CPU players are present on this server"
  98. "ServerBrowser_ServersCount" "Servers (%s1)"
  99. "ServerBrowser_UnableToQueryMasters" "Unable to determine Master Server addresses. Server Browser will not function correctly."
  100. "ServerBrowser_ESRBNotice" "ESRB Notice: Game Experience May Change During Online Play"
  101. "ServerBrowser_Password" "Password"
  102. "ServerBrowser_Bots" "Bots"
  103. "ServerBrowser_Secure" "Secure"
  104. "ServerBrowser_IPAddress" "IP Address"
  105. "ServerBrowser_SecureColumn_Tooltip" "Server protected by Valve Anti-Cheat technology"
  106. "ServerBrowser_AntiCheat" "Anti-cheat"
  107. "ServerBrowser_SecureOnly" "Secure"
  108. "ServerBrowser_InsecureOnly" "Not secure"
  109. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescSecureOnly" "secure"
  110. "ServerBrowser_FilterDescInsecureOnly" "not secure"
  111. "ServerBrowser_NoServersPlayed" "No servers have been played recently."
  112. "ServerBrowser_RemoveServerFromHistory" "Remove server from history"
  113. "ServerBrowser_LastPlayed" "Last played"
  114. "ServerBrowser_OfflineMode" "Steam is currently in Offline Mode. Internet games will not be available until you restart\nsteam while connected to the Internet."
  115. "ServerBrowser_ConnectToServer" "Connect to server"
  116. "ServerBrowser_ViewServerInfo" "View server info"
  117. "ServerBrowser_RefreshServer" "Refresh server"
  118. "ServerBrowser_AddServerToFavorites" "Add server to favorites"
  119. "ServerBrowser_NotResponding" "< not responding >"
  120. "ServerBrowser_FiltersActive" "Filters active"
  121. "ServerBrowser_ServerOutOfDate" "Server is out of date.."
  122. "ServerBrowser_ClientOutOfDate" "Your version does not match the servers.\nPlease restart the game."
  123. "ServerBrowser_PlayerName" "Player Name"
  124. "ServerBrowser_Score" "Score"
  125. "ServerBrowser_Time" "Time"
  126. "ServerBrowser_ServerName" "Name:"
  127. "ServerBrowser_ValveAntiCheat" "Valve Anti-Cheat:"
  128. "ServerBrowser_NotSecure" "Not secure"
  129. "ServerBrowser_ServerHasNoPlayers" "No users currently playing on this server."
  130. "VAC_BanNotification" "Valve Anti-Cheat Notification"
  131. "VAC_AccountBanned" "Steam account banned"
  132. "VAC_YourAccountBanned" "Your Steam account '%account%' has been banned from secure game servers due to a cheating infraction."
  133. "VAC_GamesAffected" "The following games are affected:"
  134. "VAC_ForDetails" "Click here for details"
  135. "VAC_ConnectionRefusedTitle" "Connection Refused - VAC"
  136. "VAC_ConnectionRefusedDetail" "You cannot connect to the selected server, because it is running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam account has been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
  137. "VAC_ConnectionRefusedByServer" "The server denied your connection because it is running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam account has been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
  138. "VAC_BanSupportURL" "http://steampowered.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=370"
  139. "VAC_SecureServerToolTip" "Valve Anti-Cheat - Secure"
  140. "VAC_BannedFromServerToolTip" "You cannot connect to this secure server"
  141. "VAC_Secure" "Secure"
  142. "VAC_ConnectingToSecureServer" "Note: This server is VAC-secured.\n\nCheating will result in a permanent ban."
  143. "VAC_BannedFromServers" "Banned from some secure servers because of a cheating infraction."
  144. "VAC_NoBans" "In good standing"
  145. "VAC_Status" "VAC Status:"
  146. "Steam_ValidLoginRequiredTitle" "Valid Steam Login Required"
  147. // need to remove the VAC line from this when we have our authentication system going via the Steam servers (when it should change to a login failure)
  148. "Steam_ValidLoginRequired" "A connection to the Steam VAC servers could not be made. For troubleshooting network issues, please click the link below."
  149. "VAC_ConnectionIssuesSupport_Title" "Secure Connection Failed"
  150. "VAC_ConnectionIssuesSupportSite" "Click here to visit Steam support"
  151. "VAC_ConnectionIssuesSupportURL" "http://steampowered.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=374"
  152. "VAC_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Account Used Elsewhere"
  153. "VAC_LoggedInElsewhereReason" "This Steam account has been used to log in from another computer. To continue using Steam, you need to log in again."
  154. }
  155. }