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3Dlabs.cfg 1.3KB

  1. // Z buffer half range, but no clears (saves fill rate)
  2. gl_ztrick 1
  3. // Use overbright colored lighting (on/off)
  4. gl_overbright 0
  5. // Use monochromatic lighting
  6. gl_monolights 1
  7. // Turns on/off backface culling
  8. gl_cull 1
  9. // Smooth (gouraud) shading on models (on/off)
  10. gl_smoothmodels 1
  11. // No perspective correction on models if faster (on/off)
  12. gl_affinemodels 0
  13. // Screen flash effects (on/off)
  14. gl_polyblend 1
  15. // Dynamic lights drawn as additive circles instead of lightmaps (circles=1/lightmaps=0)
  16. gl_flashblend 0
  17. // Divide player skin size by 2^n (unsupported at this time)
  18. gl_playermip 0
  19. // Don't bind separately colored textures for players (unsupported) (on/off)
  20. gl_nocolors 0
  21. // Stochastically dither 24-bit images since the driver will truncate them to 565 (on/off)
  22. gl_dither 1
  23. // Use alpha blends on alpha-tested sprites to smooth out pixel-hole edges (on/off)
  24. gl_spriteblend 1
  25. // Amount of offset to apply to decals (0 disables)
  26. gl_polyoffset 25
  27. // Apply lightmaps to alpha tested surfaces with holes (on/off)
  28. gl_lightholes 1
  29. // Show the overdraw meter (3Dfx only)
  30. gl_overdraw 0
  31. // Keep collinear points added by QCSG/QBSP to fix T-junctions (on/off)
  32. gl_keeptjunctions 1
  33. // Paletted texture support doesn't seem to work on Permedia2 (has extension, but they show up white)?
  34. gl_palette_tex 0