# Node API template This is template of web API with mongo db as database node.js as runtime and express as framework. We have user model and JWT tokens setup as well as mediator pattern and winston as logger. ## Setup Here we will show you how to set up project and run it in localhost. If you want to run it in [docker]() or [portainer]() you can find setup on links. - [Project setup](#project-setup) - [Database setup](#database-setup) ### Database setup Please follow the official tutorial on installing and running the latest Mongo database which can be found on this link: > https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/ ### Project setup In order to run our project you need to clone it from [git](https://git.dilig.net/stefan.stamenovic/diligent-node-api) first. Open terminal (cmd and powershell work as well) in folder that you want this project to be and run command > git clone http://git.dilig.net/stefan.stamenovic/diligent-node-api.git After cloning project you can open it with your preferred IDE/Code editor if you want to see the code. Before running project you need to open terminal and run command > npm install Running that command will download all necessary npm packages to run the project. After that you want to move to src directory > cd src Now you can run the project using > node server.js Congratulations! You now ran backend api for template. You can see swagger documentation in the browser with the url > http://localhost:3001/swagger